Nobody wants to break down as it’s extremely inconvenient and can be very costly.
Read some of the most easy and basic tasks you can complete to maintain your vehicle to healthy running standards.
Replace you Battery
The life expectancy for a car battery is from 4 to 6 years, replacing your car or van battery near the end of its life can avoid needing roadside recovery (which means no callout fees!). Contact us today for a quote for a replacement battery specific to your vehicle.
Check your car or van tyres regularly
Legal limit is 1.6mm for the tyre tread depth but we recommend to replace them if the tread is less than 3mm, especially in the winter. For added safety special winter tyres or all-session tyres can provided better grip in the cold and wet.
You must always make sure your tyres are correctly inflated to the correct pressure found in the user manual of the vehicle, having incorrect pressure can seriously reduce the life of your tyres and cause your vehicle to become unstable. It’s best practice to check your vehicle tyres when they are cold, before use and after a couple of hours after use so you can notice any change.
When tyres are replaced your vehicles performance will be increased and the risk of accidents will be reduced dramatically. We can supply tyres depending what we have in stock, so get in touch today and let us know your requirements.
Keep your engine cool and your windows clear
Check your vehicle has enough antifreeze and water in the cooling system A 50/50 mix of water and antifreeze for winter or you can get some that are already diluted so please read the label. If it does need filling up please make sure the engine has cooled down before opening the coolant cap or scolding water can spray out. In the winter if there is not enough antifreeze in the mixture then it can cause damage to the vehicle and engine causing your vehicle to breakdown.
If you have a garage its a good idea to use it for your vehicle, especially in harsh weather conditions.
Make sure you are seen and can see others
Make sure you are visible to others by making sure all of your car/van lights are in working order, not forgetting brake lights and fog lights and that your lenses are clean from any dirt or mud. Before you begin driving always make sure your vehicle windows are defrosted and you are able to see clearly. It might be quicker to drive off with a small patch to see through but you are putting yourself and other road users including motorbikes and pedestrians at serious risk of having an accident.
You should always avoid going out unnecessarily in bad road conditions and make sure that your screen wash is topped up, this is because spray from the road or other vehicles can cause your windscreen to become very dirty and visibility is reduced.
If you are unfortunate to breakdown and need roadside recovery call our 24 Hour line 07913204238.
Make sure your car has the right amount of coolant and the correct mix of water and antifreeze for the time of year. There are diluted and undiluted so please look at the label. Make sure the vehicle engine is cooled or scalding water could spray out. It is important to check your vehicle water as this causes it to overheat risking your car breaking down, mechanical damage, engine failure and needing recovery. In the winter if there is not enough antifreeze in the mix the water freezes, this can cause damage to the vehicle and engine.
Having the right amount of oil is essential, you can check the oil by pulling out the dipstick, use a rag or paper towel to wipe the end of the dipstick clean. Put the dipstick back in all the way and pull it out again, and this time you will be able to see how much oil you have. View your vehicles handbook to find out where to top up your oil should be and the top-up with appropriate oil.
Engine oil should be changed depending on the mileage/time between the last change and you should also regularly check your oil to reduce the risk of your vehicle breaking down and ceasing.
Your vehicle brakes are in most cases the number one instrument that stops you from having a accident, this means checking them regularly will avoid accidents. Check if your brake pads/discs are worn, as well as inspecting your brake fluid levels as part of your vehicle service. It is recommended you change your brake fluid every 2 years.
Be seen! Make sure you are visible to others by making sure all off your car/van lights are working and not forgetting brake lights and fog lights and the lenses are clean. You should always change any bulbs that need replacing straight away before you use the vehicle. If you are unfortunate to need roadside assistance or need our services please call us (07913204238).