Has your vehicle broken down? Breaking down anywhere, especially on a motorway can be very dangerous and quite scary for some drivers and passengers too. In this article we have put together a list of things you want to do if you need roadside assistance or car recovery in Suffolk.
Before you call us for assistance you need to ensure that your vehicle is in a safe place. If possible you need to move your car as far off the road as you can. This will ideally be on a hard shoulder if you can’t get to the next exit on a motorway, or on a grass verge. As you move your car off the road, make sure your wheels are pointing to the left.
You also need to put your hazard lights on to warn other drivers that you have broken down, or have issues with your car and are moving it off the road. If it is a dark night or foggy day we would recommend that you keep your sidelights on so your vehicle is clear to see.
You and your passengers need to get out of the car safely and wait behind a barrier or far back from the road. Leave animals in the car, but move yourselves behind the barrier and up the bank if possible.
If you have reflective items then use them. A high visibility jacket is a good thing to keep in your boot and put on while waiting for the roadside assistance. If you have a high visibility warning triangle place this on the road, around 45 metres away from the back of your car. This is a warning to other drivers that your car has broken down and it will give them time to move around your vehicle.
It is now safe to call for vehicle recovery in Suffolk. Please call Cambridge Car Solutions on 07913 204238 with the details about where you are, the problem with your vehicle, your registration and contact details. We will check with you that you have done all the above while sending roadside assistance to rescue you and your passengers.